The HKS Library Leadership Studies Research Guide includes a section on resources for locating speeches & discourse.
- Proquest Congressional includes articles from Washington Post (may include transcripts of important speeches) Roll Call Newspaper and CQ Political Transcripts.
- To access this content, select the News & Social Media menu at the top. Uncheck all options except for Political News box and limit by date. Add additional keywords such as the politician's name, speech topics and/or venue.
- Federal News Service (FNS) transcripts include transcripts of speeches by important political leaders including the President, members of Congress and the Cabinet and other key federal officials. Coverage is extensive and include transcripts of speeches at the National Press Club, Congressional hearings, special briefings, and tv interviews. FNS transcripts can be accessed in Nexis Uni.
- In Factiva, go to the drop down menu for source category and select "by Type". Then, scroll down to the transcripts and select either all transcripts or chose between broadcast, corporate and/or government transcripts.
Contact an HKS Librarian if you need additional help locating transcripts.