Infogroup US Historical Business Data
Geocoded records of millions of US businesses and other organizations and contain basic information on each entity, such as: contact information, industry description, annual revenues, number of employees, year established, and other data. Each annual file consists of a “snapshot” of InfoGroup’s data as of the last day of each year, creating a time series of data 1997-2019. Available as zipped CSV files for download.
ProQuest Historical Annual Reports
Searchable database of PDF annual reports for over 800 companies, from 1844 to 2008. Searchable by Fortune 500 ranking, industry classification, people, location, and related companies.
Mergent Archives
Mergent Historical Annual Reports Collection & International Collection provides access to annual reports by companies listed outside the United States back to the 1800s. They also have an SEC collection and D&B Whom Owns Whom Collection back to the 1960s.
Columbia Historical Corporate Reports
Digitized annual reports from almost 40 companies that operated in and around New York City from the 1850s through the early 1960s.
For additional resources on business research, consult resources at the Harvard Business School, like this guide to Company Filings and Annual Reports, and the Harvard Library Economics Research guide.